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PBC News & Comment, 6.15.20: Supreme Court Upholds Gay & Trans Workplace Rights

As Trump rolls back administrative protections for trans people, SCOTUS upholds LGBQ and Trans rights under 1964 Civil Rights Act…–Trump’s first appointee, Neil Gorsuch, wrote the opinion, and Roberts joined him

–Court declined to hear California’s Sanctuary City law, so it stands

–Court refused to rule on 8 cases involving “qualified immunity” for cops and others

–unrest returns to Atlanta after police shooting of Rayshard Brooks, who fought cops in DUI arrest and was shot in the back while running away

–timeline and videos are here

–3 big California police unions change course, say they will “root out” racist cops and go along with key reform measures

–in LA County’s Palmdale, young black man was found dead hanging from a tree, and family rejects suicide determination

–former SNL actor Jay Pharoah reports that LAPD officers pulled their guns, kneeled on his neck before releasing him

–new video evidence surfaces in death of trans woman at Rikers Island last year

–attempts to mow down protesters with vehicles reported 19 times in last few weeks

–a “Karen” episode in San Francisco leads to apology and misplaced shaming

–HBO’s John Oliver airs great segment on facial recognition software

–recent study on the remarkable disintegration of WTC Building 7 on 9.11.01 leads to new film, and excerpts are airing on local PBS stations

–Facebook blocks and bans user who posted 1890’s photo of aboriginal slaves in Australia

–Caitlin Johnstone details the new wave of narrative control in social media

–as Trump loyalist takes over America’s official propaganda machinery, top editors resign

–our daily Covid-19 update; new CDC guidelines are here and here

–Trump administration is playing games with oversight of bailout programs

–at ConsortiumNews, Ray McGovern observes the 4th birthday of Guccifer 2.0