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PBC News & Comment: John Bolton, the Cowardly Lion, Roars in New Book

Now that the threat of impeachment has safely passed, Bolton reveals that Trump abused power in Ukraine case, and others…–Bolton claims Trump asked China’s Xi to buy more US farm products, to help him win reelection, and OK’d treatment of Uighurs

–SecState Pompeo is meeting with Chinese counterpart in Hawaii today, and has publicly criticized China’s treatment of Uighurs

–China’s border clash with India produces bluster from both sides

–expanding its footprint of it war on the Kurds, Turkey strikes 150 targets in Iraq

–American racism is criticized at UN Human Rights Council

–was George Floyd’s encounter with cops a product of Muslim racism toward blacks? Moustafa Bayoumi explores this in op-ed

–Atlanta ex-cop Garrett Rolfe covered up shooting in 2015 of black man suspected of driving stolen truck

–in important commentary, Moira Donegan says sex assault victims have little to lose from defunding police

–FBI already is gathering data on police use of force, as Trump ordered yesterday, but only 40% of police agencies submit info

–2 black journalists accuse Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of unfair treatment

–racist stereotype brands Aunt Jemima’s and Uncle Ben’s are being retired

–NFL makes more moves to repair the damage to Colin Kaepernick

as investigation into armed vigilantes opens, we learn that New Mexico is a hotbed of armed white militias

–Air Force MP suspected in 2 separate police killings is tagged Boogaloo Boy

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–bloodthirsty Bill Barr gives order to resume federal executions

–former boss of Bumblebee Tuna will do jail time after price-fixing conviction

–Trump immigration officials have used pandemic to delay swearing in new citizens, most of who are likely to vote for Democrats

–Facebook pledges to register millions of voters, and will allow users to opt-out of political ads

–TrumpCo’s blatant refusal of oversight of bailout money is matched by Dem delays in forming oversight operation

–in complicated divorce and custody case, CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou sues ex-wife and her employer, Northrop-Grumman, over false claim of “revenge porn”

–at ConsortiumNews, Elizabeth Vos notes that twin Epstein documentaries ignore his deep ties to intelligence