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PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Favors Religious Discrimination

In rulings on employment discrimination and contraceptive access, the Catholic-dominated Supreme Court allows discrimination in God’s name….–alarmingly, both decisions were 7-2 votes

–some churches that claimed divine right to open during pandemic are hot spots of infection

–federal appeals court in Atlanta deals setback to ex-felons in Florida whose right to vote was restored by voter initiative

–poll shows 90% of Americans agree that racism and police brutality are serious problems

–since Memorial Day, there have been at least 66 car attacks on protesters, 7 by cops

–legal expert Marjorie Cohn reports on lawsuits about police tactics against protesters

–Trump campaign ads use deceptively edited video footage to promote vilification of protesters

–Trump tweets video of Tucker Carlson’s ugly smears of Sen. Tammy Duckworth

–California Democrats debate proposal to reject donations from police unions

–as more elections are held by mail, we learn that up to 10% of absentee ballots are rejected by registrars

–Facebook audit by anti-discrimination experts is pretty negative

–Facebook takes down 100 pages and accounts that were controlled by Roger Stone

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–slammed for its response to Covid in nursing homes and prisons, Cuomo administration pushes back

–San Quentin outbreak puts stress on local hospitals

–GOP-aligned low tax/small govt advocates took bailouts, bigly

–Gareth Porter dismantles NY Times RussiaBountyGate narrative

–Lt. Col. Vindman, bullied by Trump for testifying in impeachment, retires after promotion is blocked by vindictive stable genius

–Tom Friedman advises Biden to refuse to debate unless Trump releases taxes, agrees to fact-checkers