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PBC News & Comment: Americans Suffer as GOP Mixes Denial, Projection

As many broke Americans face hunger, eviction with no health insurance, GOP tries to use that suffering to blame Democrats….–Trump’s executive orders are just props in his reality-free show

–his reduced unemployment boost requires 25% from states that don’t have the cash

–UMich Prof. Juan Cole asks “how did Americans become such wimps?”

–Summer of Rage continues in Chicago, where police shooting or armed Black man spurs looting on Michigan Ave

–Portland police again declare a riot on weak premise, as protesters target cop union office and precinct building

–Seattle police officials agree not to declare riot as justification of force at protests

–on Friday, NYPD deployed choppers, vanloads of cops to arrest BLM protester, but he held out and the cops gave up

–Lebanon’s government resigns, bowing to protesters after massive blast last week

–Pepe Escobar exposes Lebanon’s corruption and negligence, and sees Israeli connections

–HongKong blasts US sanctions and returns the favor; publisher Jimmy Lai arrested

–Max Blumenthal exposes American agitator Brian Kern, who poses as Kong Tsung-gan

–Caitlin Johnstone exposes fake video footage used to promote Chinese abuse of Uyghurs

–Johnstone also has pungent comments on new claims of foreign interference in US election

–at The Grayzone, Ben Norton contradicts Twitter’s claim that it doesn’t run ads with government propaganda

–as Twitter competes with Microsoft to buy TikTok, The Intercept shows that TikTok gives user data to American government agencies

–rigged election in Belarus keeps Lukashenko in power, as American consultant to his opponent is detained

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–Trump wants his own Gettysburg address, as DNC unveils zoom convention lineup for next week

–Phoenix voters end Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s dream of restoration

–Puerto Rico primary halted yesterday due to lack of ballots