Jason Leopold and Andy Worthington, two fine independent journalists, with important updates on closing Guantanamo and the remnants of the Bush-Cheney detention and torture program. Leopold has just rejoined Truthout.org as deputy managing editor, and has been featuring Worthington’s reporting at PubRecord.org Worthingon joined us from London, where he writes almost daily at AndyWorthington.co.uk and published The Guantanamo Files, which covers all of the 759 men who have been held there. Worthington is a producer and principal in a new documentary film, Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo. First topic is the announcement of Obama’s Nobel Peace Price, which PBC refers to as a “premature ejaculation”. Leopold details recent court action in the al Qahtani case: an order to produce video tapes of his interrogations, confirmation of Rumsfeld’s direct role in approving torture, and flat confirmation that he was tortured from military judge Susan Crawford. Worthington describes the case of the Kuwaiti, al-Rabiah, an innocent man who told interrogators what they wanted to hear and has been ordered released by a US court. And we talk about the softening of the irrational position Congress has taken on closing Gitmo and bringing prisoners to US courts and prisons.