GOP mudwrestling carnival moves from New Hampshire to South Carolina, as millions in soft money spew negative ads; Democrats, beware! We review the TV NH coverage–CNN’s was sponsored by American Petroleum Institute.Also covered today:
–Iranian scientist ambushed in Tehran as brinkmanship increases
–Doomsday Clock inches closer
–Supreme Court says churches can discriminate against employees called “ministers”, but won’t define who is a “minister”
–Appeals Court upholds Texas law requiring the mother to see a fetal sonogram before a third trimester abortion
–California tax revenues weak, Brown plans to use cap and trade revenues for general fund
–California supreme Court wrestles with redistricting challenge brough by GOP
–Frances Moore Lappe, in an excerpt from Podcast 346, makes a strong point about world food shortages
–20-year study says tobacco is much more harmful to the lungs than marijuana
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