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PBC News & Comment: Top Spook James Clapper Resigns

Proven perjurer and Director of National Intelligence Gen. James Clapper submits resignation after 6 rocky years as America’s top spy…

–at Vice, Jason Leopold interviews Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) about surveillance, torture and secret law

The Intercept exposes A T & T’s 29-story windowless building in New York as a major NSA surveillance site

–The Intercept also reports that iPhones secretly send call history to Apple via iCloud

–from Standing Rock, Native American Candida Kingbird describes buzzing choppers that spray unknown chemical on protesters

–the Just Security team at NYU Law School reviews the surveillance operations in North Dakota

–in our new in-depth interview, international journalist Pepe Escobar offers offshore perspective on the US election, and notes that Trump’s limited vocabulary was very effective, especially on Twitter

–Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is looking for ways around laws that would prevent him from joining the administration

–In NY Times oped, Zephyr Teachout cites the “emoluments clause” to argue that Trump’s business operations would be unconstitutional

–Trump considers disgraced Gen. David Petraeus for Secretary of State

–in parting shot, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) introduces bill to give voters choice of “None of the Above”

–Erdogan’s crackdown in Turkey continues, as 120 journalists are jailed

NY Times editorial slams settlement legalization bill in Israel’s Knesset