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PBC News & Comment: Trump Screws the Planet for Short-term Profiteering

Despite grandiose claims, Trump rollback of EPA rules won’t save coal industry or put miners back to work; warming escalates…..–even coal industry leaders and utility execs admit benefits to them are minor

VICE lists the Trump donors who will profit from the rollback

NY Times editorial slams 45

–Westinghouse nuclear division files for bankruptcy, new power plants under construction in Georgia and South Carolina may never be completed

–in wake of calls for Nunes to step down from House investigation of Trump-Russia, some call for Senate intel to take over, but that committee is tainted, too

–both Zero Hedge and Counterpunch reports undermine claims that “Russia hacked the DNC”

–House sends bill to Trump that will allow internet providers to collect and sell your browsing information under looser FTC rules

–California AG files charges against David Daleiden for secret videos of Planned Parenthood execs that have fueled efforts to cut funds to PP

–Britain gives notice to trigger 2-year process to exit European Union, our pal Andy Worthington responds

–after serial extortion, Oakland faces “Rexit” as NFL Raiders get OK to move to Las Vegas and stiff the impoverished city for hundreds of millions of dollars

–Hillary Clinton gave a speech to women in San Francisco yesterday: How can we miss her if she won’t go away? (credit to Dan Hicks)

–new Nate Cohn analysis shows that HRC didn’t lose due to weak Dem turnout, but due to Dem turncoats who switched to Trump or third party

–your humble host got a letter from DNC, and will open it during the podcast

–deadline for bids to build the TrumpWall extended, as some bidders offer alternatives to an actual wall

–in California, Loyola law school team wins freedom for second prisoner this month

–responding to Trump budget cuts to Meals on Wheels, Daily Show says militarize it to save it, renamed Meal Team 6