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In-Depth Interview: Progressive Activist Norman Solomon Works Tirelessly to Stop War, Reform Media, and Much More

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Norman Solomon is an activist, author, media reformer and more.  In this conversation, we talk about many of his current causes and campaigns.This interview was conducted for a TV show called Healing From the Ground Up, and the video link will be posted here as soon as it’s online.

We open with a discussion of Solomon’s book that’s perpetually relevant in an era of perpetual war: War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.  We talk about Trump’s unproven claims that Syria is responsible for the chemical incident April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, and the media cheerleading that eliminates almost all critical voices.  We discuss the increased tensions with Russia and North Korea, and the alarming levels of support among Democrats for new conflicts.

As founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy, Solomon facilitates media access for progressive, antiwar voices.  Via Progressive Democrats of America and the 2016 Bernie Delegates Network, Solomon has worked to move the Democratic Party away from corporate centrism.  We touch on his campaign for Congress in 2012, and the lessons he learned.

Solomon mentions some of the successful petitions he’s carried at and a fresh one at

We also talk about his work with whistleblowers like Ed Snowden, Tom Drake and others at with dedicated attorney Jesselyn Radack.

And we close with a mention of Jeff Cohen, longtime friend and collaborator with Solomon on most of these efforts.