Chris Wray got a few tough questions, but Senate, again, is ready to confirm an FBI director without real examination….–lawmakers seem committed to let FBI continue to operate above the law; in our interview later in the hour, Bill Binney notes that one appeals court has ruled that FBI national security letters are illegal
–transcript of Trump chat with reporters on Air Force One reveals his stream of consciousness, and it’s scary
–yesterday, we reported The Hill’s claim that Obama AG Loretta Lynch approved “immigration parole” for Russian lawyer, and Trump repeated it; it may be wrong
–wealthy GOP operator Peter Smith committed suicide after telling Wall Street Journal how he tried to acquire dirt on Clinton from hackers, including Russians
–Fusion GPS produced the Steele dossier while it was lobbying on behalf of Russia related to Magnitsky Act, its founder declines to testify to Senate committee
–right-wing Daily Caller replays Politico story about Clinton operative who got intelligence on Manafort from Ukraine officials
–in op-ed, Trevor Timm offers rational advice: don’t expect impeachment anytime soon
–on Facebook, my old friend and radio newsman, Dave Cooke, says I’ve “chosen the wrong side” on Trump/Russia scandal
–Jason Leopold reports on CIA Inspector General finding about 2009 data breach involving source code
–in unverified report bouncing around the web, retired CIA agent Malcom Howard says he helped blow up WTC building 7 on 9/11
–after initial deference to Supreme Court, federal judge in Hawaii expands the definitions of people excluded from travel ban and refugee ban
–annual reports shows big spike in greenhouse gases, but NOAA scientists appear to be gagged by Trump, won’t say it’s caused by human activity
–in California, Jerry Brown pops into hearing to demand extension of cap & trade plan with bills that favor oil companies and pre-empt local, regional regulation
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