In devilish deal, Jeff Flake delivers vote that sends Kavanaugh nomination to the floor, with fuzzy agreement for 1-week delay….–Flake, Manchin and Murkowski seek FBI investigations into accusations during proposed week-long delay….will McConnell go along?
–in rush to confirm deeply flawed candidate, GOP ignores Bar Assn, Yale Law School and Jesuits, former allies who now oppose Kavanaugh
–Trump Virus has fully infected Republican party, power based on lies, misogyny
–in yesterday’s hearing, Lindsay Graham’s hissy fit enabled Kavanaugh’s combative, misleading answers to Democrats’ questions
–DINO Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana will vote against Kavanaugh, so focus is on Collins, Murkowski, Heitkamp and Manchin
–Facebook reports network attack that affected 50 million users
–Tech giants are working with DC Republicans on data privacy law that would pre-empt California’s stronger new law
–new PBC interview spotlights fresh voice with strong views: Lyle Jeremy Rubin, Marine vet of Afghanistan, warns of Democrats’ shift to hawkish views
–House Intel committee votes to releases most transcripts from Russia investigation
–SEC slams Tesla founder Elon Musk for tweets about taking company private
— in the latest giveaway to rogue utility P G & E, Gov. Brown signs bill shifting liability for wildfires from shareholders to ratepayers
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