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PBC News & Comment: Buzzfeed Gets Hammered by Trump, Corporate Media

Buzzfeed’s apparent blunder on its Trump-told-Cohen-to-lie story draws hypocritical attacks from error-prone mainstream media outlets…–Mueller’s non-denial denial is a curious statement that doesn’t challenge the central claim of the report

–Glenn Greenwald’s been keeping score, and spoofs Buzzfeed with “listicle” of 10 biggest media failures on Trump/Russia story

–at ConsortiumNews, Joe Lauria recaps his encounter with Jason Leopold, who appears to have impersonated Lauria in chasing “Rove Indicted” stinker

–you can hear PBC’s interview of Leopold from 2017, with the reporter defending his use of anonymous sources

–DNC claims Russian hackers tried again, after midterm elections

–further analysis of sanctions relief for Oleg Derapaska raises more questions

–on MLK Day, King and Kennedy families are joined by activists and historians demanding new investigations of 1960’s assassinations

–my colleague Jeff Schectman talks about it with author and journalist David Talbot

–Trump’s ‘prompter speech Saturday was subdued and semi-rational…did he take some meds? By Sunday, he was back to trash-tweeting Pelosi

–Trump’s “compromise” plan is to delay deportation for some of his hostages, get money for his wall and re-write asylum law to exclude kids

–Supreme Court ends Trump leverage over Dreamers, then gives him a break on transgender military ban

–SCOTUS also accepts New York case that will enable conservatives to loosen gun laws some more

–in collision of protest, 3 marches converged in DC, producing social media overkill that sows division of Americans; must be a Russian plot

–Theresa May offers “compromise” Brexit deal, but like Trump, she offers warmed over leftovers

–some Army members tried to stage a coup in Venezuela yesterday

–Israel bombed “Iranian targets” in Syria again

–Trump didn’t ground Lindsay Graham’s flight to Turkey, where he undermined Trump’s plan to exit Syria

–signalling his run for president, Joe Biden finally admits his “big mistake” on criminal sentencing in 1990’s