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PBC News & Comment: Israel Controls Sophisticated Influence Campaign in US

False claims of anti-Semitism are part of playbook, as suppressed documentary “The Lobby” exposes Israel’s offensive campaign against BDS….–al Jazeera’s powerful documentary has never been aired, but you can watch it here

–AIPAC uses the Twitter spat with Rep. Ilhan Omar to collect more “Benjamins”

–Jews defend Omar, and expose details about AIPAC:Ady Barkan at The Nation ,

Mairav Zonszein at WashPost

And Jonathan Ofir at Mondoweiss

–yesterday, Rep. Omar brushed back Eillott Abrams over his war crimes, and House voted to assert war powers in Yemen, with anti-BDS amendment

–60-nation Warsaw meeting claims to focus on all of the MidEast, but it’s about war with Iran

–McConnell predicts budget bill with border money will prevent shutdown, but Rush Limbaugh pans it

–California’s new governor Gavin Newsom sends mixed messages about high speed rail project, and Trump demands $3.5 billion refund of federal money

–in fresh in-depth interview, psychiatrist Justin Frank puts Trump on the couch

–in 60 Minutes interview to promote his book, former FBI #2 Andy McCabe talks about his actions after Comey was fired

–at ConsortiumNews, Gareth Porter covers some of the same ground

–NY Times and MSNBC use Manafort’s lies to spin more conspiracy theories about collusion

–former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney issues new report, “Why the DNC was not hacked by Russians”

–in New Yorker megastory, Ronan Farrow and Adam Entous expose Israeli private spy company Psy Group, which reportedly did some work on Trump campaign

MintPress reveals the company that’s been making repeated flights to Venezuela, one of which was carrying weapons

–Congress is finally paying attention to burn pit victims from Iraq and Afghan wars

–serial extortionist Jeff Bezos pulls out of plan to build campus in Long Island