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PBC News & Comment: Trump Gifts Golan to Bibi, Meddling in Israeli Election

In latest giveaway to Israel, Netanyahu, Adelson, Trump ignores history, UN Resolution by recognizing Israel’s theft of Golan Heights….–Robert Mackey offers smart comments at The Intercept

–setting up Netanyahu’s American campaign stops, Trump repeats claims that Dems are anti-Israel and anti-Jewish

–Sarah Sanders and Trump claim that Islamic State is vanquished

–tag team grifters, Jared and Josh Kushner are using Jared’s influence to profit the Kushner family

NY Times offers deep dive into intelligence firms based in Israel and the Gulf, but goes shallow on their projects in the US

–in double tease for Mueller report, NY Times recaps their Russiagate narrative, again, and runs op-ed by James Comey, who hopes Trump isn’t impeached

Note: Moments after this podcast was recorded, news broke that Mueller has submitted his report. We’ll have detailed comments on Monday.

–in the discussion following Trump’s silly “free speech on campus” executive order, has anyone mentioned the crackdown on BDS speech?

–MAGA-man Cesar Sayoc pleads guilty to his pipe-bombs-for-Trump-opponents campaign, and we only learn a little from his court statement

–at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola reviews court documents related to Chelsea Manning’s recent jailing for refusing to testify to WikiLeaks grand jury

–Mississippi and Missouri proudly enact restrictive abortion laws that are clearly unconstitutional

–to prevent the next AOC, Dem campaign committee threatens to cut funds from campaign advisors who work for primary challengers to incumbents

–Indonesian state airline tells Boeing it wants to cancel order for 737 Max planes

–Mike Pence offers vague threats to Maduro for arresting top Guaido advisor, as Maduro uses the gringo lingo of terrorism to defend his detention

–Sackler family members feel the pain of massive lawsuits stemming from the white collar drug syndicate’s profiteering from OxyContin