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PBC News & Comment: Maddow Tops ‘Mueller Madness” Brackets

NY Post spoofs the media malpractice of Russiagate and hyped expectations of the Mueller investigation, and Rachel Maddow is #1….–find the brackets with all the major offenders here

–Mueller report is still secret, but we know it’s more than 300 pages long

WashPost continues false reporting on Maria Butina, who will be sentenced on April 26

–Ralph Nader calls Mueller report “flat tire” and calls for millions to protest until Trump resigns

–Trump is holding 40,000 Syrian refugees hostage at al-Tanf, reports Whitney Webb at MintPress

–despite Trump’s efforts to tell migrants to stay home, record numbers travel to our Mexican border

–Trump stokes fears of gangs like MS-13, ignoring Ecuador’s legalization of gangs that led to sharp drop in murder rate

–in Venezuela, Maduro government issues ban on Juan Guaido from public office for 15 years

–as Trump tries to stiff Puerto Rico for hurricane relief funds, Dems in House file bill to grant statehood

–2 lefty teenage activists have drafted former Sen. Mike Gravel to run for prez again in 2020

–retired professor Jeff Cohen says don’t mythologize Obama, and offers a list of good reasons

–at Truthout, Medea Benjamin co-authors helpful evaluation of Dem prez candidates on War and Peace

–members of House Progressive Caucus take on DCCC over plan to blackball consultants who work for challengers

–San Francisco jury awards $80 million to Edwin Hardeman, after convicting Monsanto for causing his cancer from exposure to Roundup

–new warning about 5G wireless from British intelligence says Chinese telecom firm Huawei embeds spy tools in its products

–listener Billy Cook shared report that Ivanka’s company—which she supposedly has shut down—won Chinese trademark for voting machines