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PBC News & Comment: Report Shows Trump’s Words Provoke Violence

In well-researched report, The Guardian details the pattern of violent acts by people who react to Trump’s reckless comments….–read “Violence in the Name of Trump” here 

–pressing for action on his absurd border wall, Trump tells underlings to “take the land” and he will pardon them if they face prosecution

–in rare moment of accountability, border patrol agent who assaulted immigrant after arrest pleads guilty and resigns

–bound to Harvard, Palestinian student is deported based on Facebook posts by his friends that were critical of US

–in battle over Trump’s tax returns, Deutschebank is forced to admit it has copies of tax filings and other financial info

–as Puerto Rico battens down the hatches for tropical storm Dorian, Trump lies about past aid and says he’s “the best thing that’s ever happened to Puerto Rico”

–after Fox “News” interviews Democrats, Trump tweets that “Fox isn’t working for us anymore”

–at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola reviews Bernie Sanders’ media reform plan, which so far has drawn zero coverage from WashPost and NY Times

–leakers report that in June, when Trump cancelled strikes on Iran, he OK’d a cyberattack that the leakers say impaired Iran’s ability to target oil tanker

–in recent interview, former Admiral and Rep. Joe Sestak talks about his longshot bid for president, and his opposition to war with Iran

–in Britain, buffoonish Boris Johnson goes ruthless with scheme to keep Parliament out of his plan for no-deal Brexit

–Gregory Craig takes the stand to deny he lobbied for Ukraine

–the Sackler family, Oxycontin profiteers, will cough up $3 billion in profits and turn Purdue Pharma into a trust to distribute money to victims

–“mad Dog” Mattis has a book coming out, the advance releases are pretty tame

–from the underbelly of tech giants, we learn that Apple has jettisoned 300 workers who listened to Siri recordings, and Facebook moderators complain about confidentiality in counseling sessions