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PBC News & Comment: Seattle Police Dismantle CHOP, Arrest 32

Our correspondent Jonah Lehto reports on the early morning police action that broke up Seattle’s CHOP, leading to 32 arrests….–Lehto’s report is here CHOP Report.7.1.20

–The Guardian recaps recent officer shootings by the LA Sheriff’s department

–corporate media outlets go heavy on RussiaBountygate, as White House and intel officials say Trump had not been briefed on the allegations

–more yellow journalism: NY Times says cash transfers from GRU to Taliban are “evidence” of unproven claims of bounty payments

–Caitlin Johnstone counters the official narrative

–at MintPress, Alan Macleod challenges the speculative reporting

–and at, Afgan war veteran Danny Sjursen urges skepticism

–at the UN, Mike Pompeo draws no support for gambit to extend part of the Iran nuclear deal that US withdrew from

–Facebook says it is shutting down Boogaloo accounts, but Buzzfeed shows how they missed at least one, and how Facebook has profited from them

–in Kentucky and Colorado primaries, the progressives lost by slim margins

–federal appeals court reinstates GOP voter restrictions in Wisconsin

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–Chesapeake Energy, one of the early fracking successes, collapses

–Committee to Protect Journalists names 10 top threats to press freedom, but excludes Julian Assange