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PBC News & Comment: Bad Hair Day for Conman Don

Steve Bannon’s surprise arrest for alleged fraud in Wall scam, DA’s win on subpoena for tax returns leave Trump almost tweetless…–Bannon was arrested on megayacht of Chinese billionaire on Connecticutt coast for skimming money from crowdfunded border wall scheme

–federal judge says subpoena for tax records is not harassment

–Trump’s embrace of QAnon pushes Republicans over the edge, as Sen. Doug Jones (DINO-AL) equates them with AOC and Dem Left

–Alan Macleod at MintPress shares disturbing reports of abuse at ICE lockup in Virginia run by for-profit operator

–after NY legislature changed the law, ACLU posts 300,000+ files on police misconduct

–imitating Trump’s stormtroopers in Portland, Pittsburgh police kidnapped protest leader and took him to jail in van

–last night in Portland, protesters defaced ICE building, prompting first sighting of federal officers in weeks

–Portland cops arrested pro-police protester who fired gun last Saturday

–struggling Oregonians line up for $500 cash grant from the state

–Michigan will pay $600 million to Flint families harmed by toxic water, due to negligence of former GOP Gov. Rick Snyder

–in Ladies Night at DNC online convention, Kamala Harris was teed up by Pelosi, Warren, Clinton and Obama, and some actual issues were highlighted

–Dem strategists bet on women voters and fear of Trump

–Obama unloaded on Trump, trying to wedge Dems in line as Biden makes hopeless pitch to GOP voters

–David Sirota draws attention to comments from Biden’s alter ego that the deficit will limit Biden’s options if elected

–top GOP hawks and spooks who merely opposed Trump in 2016 are back, and say they will vote for Biden this time

–Patrick Martin at WSWS details this year’s crop of CIA Democrats running for House and Senate

–CIA boss “Bloody Gina” Haspel thinks Trump is about to dump her

–as chickens are delivered dead due to mail slowdown, Luis DeJoy’s intentions at Post Office are unclear

–in Pennsylvania court, Trump lawyers can’t provide evidence of voter fraud using mail-in ballots

–NT state expands access to vote-by-mail

–California firefighters cannot handle 367 wildfires at once, as one jumped 8-lane freeway yesterday; no fatalities to date

–in legal battle over employment status of drivers, Uber and Lyft threaten to shut down in California, as soon as tonight

–Tucker Carlson joins Don Jr. in lobbying Trump to block gold mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska

–captain of oil tanker is arrested after massive oil spill caused by crew party

The Guardian exposes efforts by natural gas lobby to prevent bans on use of gas in new construction

–our daily Covid-19 update, prepared by Linda Lewis

–after stunning lass at Security Council last week, Trump sends Pompeo back to UN to demand arms embargo extension on Iran, even though US breached agreement

–in Mexico, Pemex scandal widens as former official fingers 3 past presidents for taking bribes

–Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny suspects he was poisoned

–at ConsortiumNews, editor Joe Lauria makes good case that US is covertly supporting opposition in Belarus