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PBC News & Comment: In London, Extradition Hearing for Julian Assange is Underway

In first 2 days of hearing described as “railroading” by 2 observers, biased judge delivers pre-fab rulings and threatens Assange…–best coverage is by Kevin Gosztola, Craig Murray and Consortium News  ; John Pilger’s statement is here and Mumia Abu-Jamal’s is here

–new wildfires erupt in California, one caused by “gender reveal” fireworks, as Oregon and Washington join Colorado in battling blazes

–protest roundup: police reform activists still busy in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha and Rochester, as Salt Lake City cops shoot autistic teen boy

–pro-Trump armed groups confront BLM protesters in Salem, OR as Trump boat parade in Austin sinks some boats

–Trump TV ads focus on violence in final stretch to Election Day as the campaign appears to be running low on cash

–in NC, recent scene of GOP election fraud, Trump urges his voters to mail in ballots, then try to vote at polls—felony for voters, and ConMan Don

–Postmaster General DeJoy is investigated for reimbursing employees for political contributions—illegal—and lying to Congress, also illegal

–White House tries to deflect report that Trump called dead vets “losers and suckers”

–and Glenn Greenwald is skeptical of the anonymous sources and Jeffrey Goldberg

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–Senate leader McConnell will try to jam through low-budget bailout

–Michael Coehn book is now available, NRA insider book is out soon, and former FBI agent Peter Strozk’s book drops today

–after lecturing FBI for gross violations, FISA Court renews surveillance authority

–in Saudi Arabia, Khashoggi assassins get light sentences