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PBC News & Comment: Angry Centrist Dems Blame the Left They Trampled

In post-election caucus conference, conservaDems blame socialists and “defund the police”, hurling GOP talking points for killing Blue Wave fantasy…–former CIA officer Abigail Spanberger demonizes the left for her narrow win in red district in VA, reflecting a sense of entitlement

–Norman Solomon argues that progressives held their noses to support Biden

WashPost centrist opinionist Paul Waldman surprises with strong defense of lefties

–led by quote from veteran Democratic loser Bob Shrum, NY Times grossly misreads results of California ballot measures to dismiss liberals

–San Francisco initiatives tax overpaid CEO’s and tech companies

–at MintPress, Alan Mcleod asks if coverup of Hunter Biden attacks helped Biden win

–latest vote count puts Biden ahead in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada

–Trump’s desperate lies about voter fraud and election fraud causes GOP winners to begin to distance from their Dear Tweeter: you’re on your own, Don

–even Karl Rove, the architect of stolen elections in 2000 and 2004, says this one can’t be saved

–Eric Trump competes with Don Jr. to spread lies and try to enforce loyalty on GOP mob

–on “Fox News”, anchors split from Trump’s prime time cultists

–Philly police arrest armed Hummer crew with Qanon ties who may have plotted mayhem at election center

–Trump’s lawsuits aren’t getting any love from judges

–recounts are certain in Georgia and Wisconsin, which may delay day of reckoning

–Twitter bans a Steve Bannon account after “heads on a pike” comment

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–$26 billion opioid settlement gains momentum

–TrumpCo busts union representing immigration judges

–US formally exits Paris climate agreement

–while we were distracted by the election, Israel carries out biggest West Bank demolition in decade

–new film celebrates Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense, which is mostly a myth