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PBC News & Comment: Obamacare Likely to Survive SCOTUS Review

In oral arguments, Roberts and Kavanaugh bluntly say that end of coverage mandate does not invalidate the Affordable Care Act….–new Justice Barrett participates, but limits her opinions

–Biden to give speech about ACA

–Assange legal team submits final arguments in extradition hearing

–Armenians bitterly accept loss of war with Azerbaijan, and sign accord giving up parts of Nagornoa-Karabakh

–Peru has new leader; some call it a coup, others impeachment

–Dems complain about Trump firing Pentagon boss Esper, but PBC thinks it means no lame duck wars are likely

–Trump’s consiglieri and sometime attorney general Bill Barr urges Justice Dept. to investigate election fraud claims

–is Trump’s new “Save America PAC” a sign that he is accepting his loss, or just another grafter scheme?

–Arkansas police chief quits after posts urging armed vigilantes to kill Democrats

–grandstanding for Trump, Georgia’s GOP senators demand resignation of GOP secretary of state

–Trump cultists continue to circulate false claims about election “irregularities”

–Trump’s law firms are squirming as they keep filing silly lawsuits

–David Sirota echoes my concerns that Biden will repeat Obama’s mistakes seeking GOP support

–at The Nation, John Nichols gives data to support progressives’ critical role in Biden win

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

–British study shows mental health impacts on Covid survivors

–following Vienna attack, EU moves to ban encryption

–ruthless Trump and Stephen Miller are sending asylum seekers back to Cameroon, where they face credible fears of harm

–in op-ed, John Farmer makes good points about why America is divided