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Robert Parry: founder of  His new book is called “Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush”.

Barry Fadem: is a partner in the law firm of Fadem & Associates in Lafayette, California. He specializes in all aspects of campaign and election law, and provides expert consultation in the area of initiatives and referendums. He is president of

Bruce Fein: lawyer in the United States who specializes in constitution and international law. He is a pro-impeachment republican.

Brad Friedman: self-described election integrity muckraking journalist jerk. You can read his blog at

John fund: writes the weekly “On the Trail” column for He is author of “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy” (Encounter, 2004).

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Faiz Shakir: Research Director at The Center for American Progress and serves as Editor-in-Chief of

John Nichols: Nichols writes about politics for The Nation magazine as its Washington correspondent.

Ray McGovern: is a retired CIA officer turned political activist.

David Abramowitz: is a Senior Fellow at American Progress, focusing on housing policy and related federal and state programs and issues.

Free Speech Zone

R. J. Shulman: political satirist. You can read Shulman’s blog at

Gary Chew: regular contributor on film and entertainment issues.

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Eric Boehlert: Senior Fellow at Media Matters for America. He is the author of “Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush”.

David Novack: has been a producer, post supervisor, and associate producer for a number of documentary films and television series, including the historical documentary, “Songs of Odessa,” the acclaimed Showtime/United Nations series, “What’s Going On” and two episodes of PBS/WGBH’s “Frontline.”

Dr. Bill Durston: is running as the Democratic candidate for House of Representatives in California’s 3rd Congressional District to give voters a choice for change.

Steve Pizzo: is an award-winning, non-fiction author, raconteur and all around dilettante. His prior accomplishments include a New York Times best-selling book, Inside Job, exposing the seamy side of the 1980s savings and loan crisis. His blog can be viewed at

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