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NSA Expert James Bamford on Thomas Drake and the US War in Yemen

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Journalist and author James Bamford, the acknowledged expert on the National Security Agency and other intelligence subjects, returns in this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.  Due to vacation, our next podcast will be about August 4.   Continue reading NSA Expert James Bamford on Thomas Drake and the US War in Yemen

Posted on Categories PBC Comments, Podcast Info

Outrage: DHS Whistleblower Endured Reprisals for Doing Her Job!

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In this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds, we talk with Julia Davis.  Her story is shocking: she was subjected to more than 50 investigations, wiretapped, illegal searches, a no-warrant raid by 27 armed men in black who emerged from a Blackhawk helicopter to raid her home and much more.  Please share this story of police state tactics with all your friends. Continue reading Outrage: DHS Whistleblower Endured Reprisals for Doing Her Job!

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Boiling Frogs: Journalist Russ Baker

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Journalist Russ Baker is our guest in this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.  Baker joins us to discuss the case of the former Israeli Spy Chief Meir Dagan, who contends that Israel’s top leaders lack judgment, considers a military attack on Iran “a stupid idea”, and criticizes Israel for having failed to put forward a peace initiative with the Palestinians by foolishly ignoring the Saudi peace initiative promising full diplomatic relations in exchange for a return to the 1967 border lines. He talks about the Obama administration’s harsh and hawkish stand on Iran, the evidence pointing to a plan to create an “Arab Spring” for the Good Old Boys—CIA, banks, and oil companies, the poor journalism by the mainstream media in covering Libya and the alleged crimes committed by Qaddafi as a part of a larger disinformation effort of the sort that has always been part and parcel of war, and more!

RussBakerRuss Baker is an award-winning investigative journalist and the author of Family of Secrets- – the Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. He has written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Village Voice and Esquire. He has served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review, and is the founder of WhoWhatWhy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization.

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Listen to PBC on the NorMan GoldMan Show

On July 5, your humble host sat in on the nationally syndicated Norman Goldman Show.  We presented two hours about abuses of the Patriot Act in cases against political activists and a former employee at the Department of Homeland Security, Julia Davis. In the third hour, Kevin Zeese of talks about the case against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  Let me apologize in advance for my incorrect statement that Thomas was the fisrt African American appointed to the Court–that distinction goes to Thurgood Marshall.  You can listen to the podcast here.