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In-Depth Interview: International Human Rights Lawyer Dan Kovalik Detail’s America’s Illegal Wars

Attorney and author Dan Kovalik returns to our podcast to talk about his latest book, No More War, and takes on Samantha Power and “right to protect” advocates. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: International Human Rights Lawyer Dan Kovalik Detail’s America’s Illegal Wars

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PBC News & Comment: Police Reform Must Include End To FBI Sting Operations Targeting Muslims

Hundreds of Muslim Americans are imprisoned for long terms from misguided FBI frame-ups that involve paid informants and concocted crimes… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Police Reform Must Include End To FBI Sting Operations Targeting Muslims

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PBC News & Comment: Barr’s ‘Justice’ Dept. Draws Scrutiny From Congress

Barr’s intervention Roger Stone sentencing is aired at House Judiciary, as Appeals Court jumps in to force court to dismiss Flynn charges… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Barr’s ‘Justice’ Dept. Draws Scrutiny From Congress

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PBC News & Comment: On Juneteenth, Tulsa Confronts Trump’s Racism

Trump’s mob rally in Tulsa will follow reinvigorated Juneteenth celebration amid heightened racial tensions that could lead to violence, like 99 years ago… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: On Juneteenth, Tulsa Confronts Trump’s Racism