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In-Depth Interview: Whistleblowers Joe Hickman and John Kiriakou on Abu Zubaydeh, Torture and a Dangerous Reporter

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John Kiriakou and Joseph Hickman, co-authors of new book on Abu Zubaydeh, return to the podcast–together–to talk about torture, whistleblowing, and the dangerous reporter Matthew Cole. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Whistleblowers Joe Hickman and John Kiriakou on Abu Zubaydeh, Torture and a Dangerous Reporter

Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Lipstick on a Shark—GOP Persists in Efforts to Slay ACA

GOP senators operate as “Death Panel”, dialing up and down the terms of cutting millions off health insurance to fund tax cuts…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Lipstick on a Shark—GOP Persists in Efforts to Slay ACA

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In-Depth Interview: Tom Drake and Rocky Anderson Reveal Dragnet Surveillance at Salt Lake Olympics

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Former NSA executive Thomas Drake and former presidential candidate and Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson reveal NSA’s unconstitutional total surveillance during 2002 Olympic Winter Games. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Tom Drake and Rocky Anderson Reveal Dragnet Surveillance at Salt Lake Olympics

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In-Depth Interview: Author Steve Early Details Progressive Renaissance, Led By Green Party Mayor, in Richmond, CA

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Multinational oil giant Chevron considered Richmond its “company town” until progressives organized and took it back.  Steve Early’s powerful new book, Refinery Town, tells the story. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Author Steve Early Details Progressive Renaissance, Led By Green Party Mayor, in Richmond, CA