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In-Depth Interview: Investigative Reporter A. C. Thompson Exposes Atomwaffen, Armed White Nationalist Group

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Journalist A. C. Thompson of ProPublica shares the results of his deep investigation into Atomwaffen, an armed white extremist group that is implicated in 5 murder cases in the past year. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Investigative Reporter A. C. Thompson Exposes Atomwaffen, Armed White Nationalist Group

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PBC News & Comment: AZ Fatal Accident Exposes Uber’s Pal, Gov. Ducey

As California, Arizona suspend robot car tests after fatal accident, Guardian reveals AZ Gov. Doug Ducey secretly approved testing program…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: AZ Fatal Accident Exposes Uber’s Pal, Gov. Ducey

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In-Depth Interview: Iran Expert Gareth Porter on America’s Most Dangerous Hawk, John Bolton

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Independent journalist, historian and author Gareth Porter returns to talk about John Bolton’s appointment as Trump’s third national security advisor, and the real risk of war he brings to the new Trump-Pompeo-Bolton troika. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Iran Expert Gareth Porter on America’s Most Dangerous Hawk, John Bolton

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In-Depth Interview: Reporter Patrick Martin Explains How Democrats Are Running Dozens of CIA, Military Vets for Congress

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Patrick Martin researched and wrote an important series of articles on the crop of Democratic candidates for House races this year.  His findings reveal a major shift “from being the party for the Pentagon and CIA to become the party of the Pentagon and CIA”.    Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Reporter Patrick Martin Explains How Democrats Are Running Dozens of CIA, Military Vets for Congress

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PBC News & Comment: Under Siege, Zuckerberg Offers Weak Apologies

After stonewalling Cambridge Analytica data abuse, Facebook founder Zuckerberg gives 4 “exclusive” interviews and offers unconvincing apologies, promises to improve…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Under Siege, Zuckerberg Offers Weak Apologies