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Journalist Trevor Aaronson Exposes FBI’s Fabricated “Domestic Terrorism” Cases; Reporter Kevin Gozstola Recaps the Bradley Manning Court Martial Proceedings

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The Terror Factory is an important new book by journalist Trevor Aaronson, who studied over 500 cases of “domestic terrorism” and found most are tainted by FBI misbehavior; Kevin Gozstola of FireDogLake returns to update us on the Bradley Manning trial at Fort Meade. Continue reading Journalist Trevor Aaronson Exposes FBI’s Fabricated “Domestic Terrorism” Cases; Reporter Kevin Gozstola Recaps the Bradley Manning Court Martial Proceedings

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PBC News & Comment: Only 1% of Domestic Terrorism Cases Since 9/11 Are 100% Real

Detailed in our in-depth interview with Trevor Aaronson, out of 500 cases since 9/11, only about 5 are “real” terrorists….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Only 1% of Domestic Terrorism Cases Since 9/11 Are 100% Real

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The Real Story of John Philip Walker Lindh–“The American Taliban”–as Told by His Father, Frank Lindh

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In the hysteria following 9/11, John Lindh was captured in Afghanistan and falsely accused of being a traitor.  In this moving, in-depth interview, his father, Frank, details his young son’s odyssey that led to a 20-year prison sentence for “Detainee 001” in Bush’s “war on terror”. Continue reading The Real Story of John Philip Walker Lindh–“The American Taliban”–as Told by His Father, Frank Lindh

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PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act, Invites More Voter Suppression

Activist, radical GOP-appointed justices hammer Voting Rights Act, opening floodgates for aggressive voter suppression actions for 2014… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act, Invites More Voter Suppression

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Almost Live from Netroots Nation: Sen. Merkley and Reps. Honda, Ellison and Takano

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At Netroots Nation, we grabbed unscheduled interviews with Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Rep. Mark Takano (D_CA). Continue reading Almost Live from Netroots Nation: Sen. Merkley and Reps. Honda, Ellison and Takano

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Journalist Beau Hodai Returns with More on DHS Fusion Centers Aligning With Corporate Cops to Criminalize Protesters

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Beau Hodai, author of a detailed report on the use of the expanded police networks intended to fight terrorists instead used to monitor and infiltrate peaceful protest groups, from Occupy to opponents of ALEC and the Keystone XL pipeline. Continue reading Journalist Beau Hodai Returns with More on DHS Fusion Centers Aligning With Corporate Cops to Criminalize Protesters