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Boiling Frogs: NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice Confirms Wiretaps on NYT’s James Risen Tice reveals important new information in this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.  Tice joins us to assess and explain the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) ongoing and ever-expanding domestic electronic surveillance of Americans in violation of our rights guaranteed under the Fourth Amendment, and the implications and dangers of the agency’s massive Data Mining technologies and practices. Continue reading Boiling Frogs: NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice Confirms Wiretaps on NYT’s James Risen

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Wall St. Protests Get Traction, DC Protest Starts October 6; Journalist Joby Warrick Recreates December 2009 Attack at Khost

Activist Kevin Zeese is back, with updates on the Wall Street protests and the heavy-handed police tactics that, perversely, are causing the media to actually start covering the protest.  Zeese also details plans for a major protest in Washington starting October 6, the 10th anniversary of our invasion of Afghanistan.  Joby Warrick of The Washington Post talks about his new book, The Triple Agent. Continue reading Wall St. Protests Get Traction, DC Protest Starts October 6; Journalist Joby Warrick Recreates December 2009 Attack at Khost

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Catch up With PBC Live Shows on KGO Archive

Your humble host subbed for Gene Burns recently on KGO/San Francisco, and you can catch up on discussions of Palestine’s bid for statehood at the UN, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the recent GOP debates on TV, the execution of Troy Davis and capital punishment, Wall Street Protests, and Rep. Barbara Lee’s call to repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.  You can listen to the audio files for one week from the original broadcast.  Click here for the archives page, then select Thursday, Friday or Monday and the hours 7pm, 8pm or 9pm.  Feel free to fast forward through the breaks.  Listen or download the files before they are erased.

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Boiling Frogs: Identities Revealed of CIA Officials Who Failed to Share Pre-9/11 Intel With FBI, Others

Author and researcher Kevin Fenton joins us to discuss the recent case involving the CIA’s withholding of the release of audio documentary “Who is Richard Blee?” and the extensive research and findings which have resulted in the unmasking of three former top CIA officials and their role in withholding intelligence on two key 9/11 hijackers and subsequent cover-ups. Continue reading Boiling Frogs: Identities Revealed of CIA Officials Who Failed to Share Pre-9/11 Intel With FBI, Others

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Afghan Update–Rabbani Assassination, US Night Raids Expand; Bradley Manning Update; Gary Chew Reviews ‘Moneyball’

Journalist/historian Gareth Porter returns, with commentary on the killing of Rabbani and the expansion of night raids on civilians;  Jeff Paterson of Courage to Resist gives us the latest on Pfc. Bradley Manning’s detention and upcoming court martial; film reviewer Gary Chew on Moneyball. Continue reading Afghan Update–Rabbani Assassination, US Night Raids Expand; Bradley Manning Update; Gary Chew Reviews ‘Moneyball’

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Boiling Frogs: Paul Thompson, Part 3: History of ‘al Qaeda’ Before 9/11

Paul Thompson returns as our guest in this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.  This is Part 3 of our three-part one-of-a-kind interview series with author and researcher Paul Thompson. Continue reading Boiling Frogs: Paul Thompson, Part 3: History of ‘al Qaeda’ Before 9/11

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Inside Scientology: Author Janet Reitman and Attorney Ford Greene Go Behind the Hubbard Curtain; Chew Reviews “Higher Ground”

Janet Reitman, author of Inside Scientology: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion and Ford Greene, the attorney who has helped people escape from Scientology and other cult groups. Continue reading Inside Scientology: Author Janet Reitman and Attorney Ford Greene Go Behind the Hubbard Curtain; Chew Reviews “Higher Ground”

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Searching for Answers About Google? Steven Levy on His New Book ‘In The Plex’

Wired magazine Senior Editor Steven Levy is our single guest for this podcast, talking about his new book In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives.

Continue reading Searching for Answers About Google? Steven Levy on His New Book ‘In The Plex’

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Legalize It? Psychiatrist/Author of “Cannabinomics” Says Tipping Point is Near; Tired of “Awesome”? Arthur Plotnik Gives 6,000 Alternates

Dr. Glenn Fichtner, author of Cannabinomics, reviews the medical uses of marijuana, the failure of the drug war, and what he calls the marijuana policy tipping point; Arthur Plotnik’s delightful book Better Than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives prompts a fun discussion of language and vocabulary. Continue reading Legalize It? Psychiatrist/Author of “Cannabinomics” Says Tipping Point is Near; Tired of “Awesome”? Arthur Plotnik Gives 6,000 Alternates

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The CIA Would Prefer That You Not Listen to This Podcast……Boiling Frogs: Why Did CIA Keep FBI and Richard Clarke in the Dark About 9/11 Hijackers?

Despite strong efforts by the CIA, filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy join us to discuss their extensive research, interviews and findings which have resulted in the unmasking of three former top CIA officials- George Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard Blee- and their role in withholding intelligence on two key 9/11 hijackers and subsequent cover-ups. Another Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.  Continue reading The CIA Would Prefer That You Not Listen to This Podcast……Boiling Frogs: Why Did CIA Keep FBI and Richard Clarke in the Dark About 9/11 Hijackers?