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In-Depth Interview: Lawyer/Activists Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arenebeck Suspect Election Fraud in 2016 Democratic Primaries

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Election protection veterans Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arnebeck talk about the exit poll patterns that lead them to suspect manipulation of vote tabulations–all favoring Clinton–in the 2016 Democratic primaries. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Lawyer/Activists Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arenebeck Suspect Election Fraud in 2016 Democratic Primaries

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In-Depth Interview: Ron Miscavige, Father of Scientology’s Maximum Leader, Talks About His “Ruthless” Son

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Ron Miscavige, who escaped after 40+ years in Scientology, offers a candid view of the cult he left, and his son David, who runs the “church” in a “ruthless” way.  Attorney Ford Greene, who has successfully sued Scientology, joins me. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Ron Miscavige, Father of Scientology’s Maximum Leader, Talks About His “Ruthless” Son

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PBC News & Comment: Seven Ways State Dept. Report Contradicts Clinton

AUDIO FILE FIXED!!  Law professor Jonathan Turley identifies 7 facts in Inspector General report that contradict Clinton’s assertions about email: she broke rules….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Seven Ways State Dept. Report Contradicts Clinton

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PBC News & Comment: Inspector General Slams Clinton for Private Email Server

State Department investigation sharply criticizes Clinton for ignoring security rules, and insisting on using her own server for her convenience…… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Inspector General Slams Clinton for Private Email Server

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In-Depth Interviews: 2 Experts Reveal UN Coverup of Its Role in 2010 Cholera Epidemic

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In this special 2-part interview, we talk with UCLA Prof. Emeritus Ralph Frerichs and journalist Jonathan Katz about the cause of the 2010 cholera epidemic in Haiti…. Continue reading In-Depth Interviews: 2 Experts Reveal UN Coverup of Its Role in 2010 Cholera Epidemic

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PBC News & Comment: Pentagon Insider Blows Whistle on Phony Protections for Whistleblowers

New book profiles John Crane, who ran “whistleblower protection unit” at Pentagon, detailing how Tom Drake got screwed at NSA….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Pentagon Insider Blows Whistle on Phony Protections for Whistleblowers