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Boiling Frogs: Chase Madar Reports on Pre-Trial Hearings in Bradley Manning’s Court Martial



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Chase Madar, author of The Passion of Bradley Manning, returns in this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds. Continue reading Boiling Frogs: Chase Madar Reports on Pre-Trial Hearings in Bradley Manning’s Court Martial

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Something Lighter for the Holidays: Calvin Trillin Rhymes About 2012, Thomas Frank Giggles at Mayan Doomsday, Will Durst Belittles Lame Ducks



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The New Yorker’s Calvin Trillin talks about his new book, Dogfight, an epic poem of the 2012 campaign; Thomas Frank of Harper’s on the latest end-of-the-world predictions;  Will Durst on lame ducks.  Continue reading Something Lighter for the Holidays: Calvin Trillin Rhymes About 2012, Thomas Frank Giggles at Mayan Doomsday, Will Durst Belittles Lame Ducks

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Author Anat Shenker-Osorio Critiques the Lingo of the Fiscal Cliff Soap Opera; Columnist Ray Buursma of Holland, Michigan on Radical Republicans and Right to Work Laws



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Communications expert Anat Shenker-Osorio talks about the misguided language that fuels the economic debate in our country;  teacher and columnist Ray Buursma on Michigan’s tricky, deceptive Republicans Continue reading Author Anat Shenker-Osorio Critiques the Lingo of the Fiscal Cliff Soap Opera; Columnist Ray Buursma of Holland, Michigan on Radical Republicans and Right to Work Laws

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Attorney Carl Mayer Files Emergency Appeal to Supreme Court on NDAA; Former Iranian Hostage Sarah Shourd Decries Solitary Confinement in US Prisons



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Our favorite lawyer, Carl Mayer, returns to talk about his latest effort to restore our constitutional rights, an appeal to the Supreme Court of NDAA detention law;  Sarah Shourd, who was imprisoned in Iran in 2009 and spent almost 14 months in solitary, speaks against the widespread use of solitary confinement in American prisons.  Continue reading Attorney Carl Mayer Files Emergency Appeal to Supreme Court on NDAA; Former Iranian Hostage Sarah Shourd Decries Solitary Confinement in US Prisons