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PBC News & Comment: Final Podcast! California Cons Scam Megamillions From Unemployment Dept.

Prosecutors reveal that 35,000 prisoners filed for unemployment benefits, fleecing the state of hundreds of millions of dollars this year… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Final Podcast! California Cons Scam Megamillions From Unemployment Dept.

Posted on Categories PBC

PBC Last Interview: ‘Trump On The Couch’ Author Dr. Justin Frank Breaks Down Trump’s Post-Election Behavior

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In another installment of the Last Interview series, Washington psychiatrist Justin Frank returns with the latest on Trump’s post-election antics. Continue reading PBC Last Interview: ‘Trump On The Couch’ Author Dr. Justin Frank Breaks Down Trump’s Post-Election Behavior

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PBC Last Interview: Rev. Billy Talks Climate Action, Police Reform, Black Friday and More

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Rev. Billy, who leads the Church of Stop Shopping, returns to talk about recent and upcoming protest actions, climate action, police reform, and consumerism. Continue reading PBC Last Interview: Rev. Billy Talks Climate Action, Police Reform, Black Friday and More

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PBC News & Comment: Giuliani’s Manopause Moment Captures the Idiocy of Election Challenge

Dripping sweat and hair color, Rudy Giuliani’s bizarre press conference delivered more sweeping claims, sans evidence as Trump pressures Michigan legislators… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Giuliani’s Manopause Moment Captures the Idiocy of Election Challenge

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PBC’s Last Interviews: Thomas Frank Talks About the Election, Democrats’ Flaws, and Why He’s Quitting Political Coverage

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Thomas Frank, author and historian, returns for a Last Interview, and talks about the election, what’s wrong with the Democrats, and his plans to end political commentary. Continue reading PBC’s Last Interviews: Thomas Frank Talks About the Election, Democrats’ Flaws, and Why He’s Quitting Political Coverage

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PBC News & Comment: Escalating Election Attacks, Trump Gets Personally Involved in Michigan

As the 2 GOP members of Detroit canvas board try to recant, Trump phones them and sets meeting with Michigan Republicans… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Escalating Election Attacks, Trump Gets Personally Involved in Michigan

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PBC News & Comment: Will Trump’s Desperate Maneuvers Flip the Senate to Democrats?

In his Shermanesque efforts to reclaim Georgia for himself, is Trump burning and pillaging prospects for Sens. Perdue and Loeffler?…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Will Trump’s Desperate Maneuvers Flip the Senate to Democrats?