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PBC News & Comment: Is Hillary Clinton Really Opposed to Trans Pacific Partnership?

After DNC platform committee rejected clear statement opposing TPP, question becomes: is Trump more populist than Clinton on trade deals?…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Is Hillary Clinton Really Opposed to Trans Pacific Partnership?

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PBC News & Comment: Benghazi Investigation Ends, Completely Missed the Real Failures

GOP politicized Benghazi from first reports, and 2-year, $7 million investigation missed the real failures of Clinton regarding Libya regime change…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Benghazi Investigation Ends, Completely Missed the Real Failures

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In-Depth Interview: Tireless Peace Activist David Swanson on America’s Wars, and His New Book, “War Is A Lie”

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David Swanson returns to our program for a wide-ranging conversation on Obama’s wars and the lies that propel them. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Tireless Peace Activist David Swanson on America’s Wars, and His New Book, “War Is A Lie”

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PBC News & Comment: Scalia-Free Supreme Court Overturns Texas Anti-Abortion “TRAP” Law

Supreme Court overturns pretextual Texas law that led to closure of many abortion clinics, setting important new precedent; Kennedy pivotal….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Scalia-Free Supreme Court Overturns Texas Anti-Abortion “TRAP” Law

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Exclusive Interview: Abandoned CIA Officer Sabrina de Sousa Faces Imminent Extradition to Italy to Face 4-year Prison Term

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Following up on the plight of Sabrina de Sousa, she talked to us from Portugal today, as she awaits a knock on the door to be extradited to Italy. Continue reading Exclusive Interview: Abandoned CIA Officer Sabrina de Sousa Faces Imminent Extradition to Italy to Face 4-year Prison Term

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PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Deadlocks on Obama Immigration Orders

Deadlocked Supreme Court rebuffs Obama, rewards GOP obstruction, overturning executive actions on immigration 14 compounded by GOP obstruction of court nomination…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Deadlocks on Obama Immigration Orders

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In_Depth Interview: State Dept. Veteran Peter van Buren Slams the Dissent Memo from “Diplomats for More War in Syria”

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Peter van Buren, State Dept. whistleblower and author of We Meant Well, offers strong, informed commentary on the dissent memo signed by 51 State Dept. employees.    Continue reading In_Depth Interview: State Dept. Veteran Peter van Buren Slams the Dissent Memo from “Diplomats for More War in Syria”