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PBC News & Comment: Max Blumenthal Arrested for Journalism, PBC’s Electricity Restored

Last Friday, journalist Max Blumenthal was arrested on a secret 5-month old warrant for “100% false” charge; blackout ends for PBC…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Max Blumenthal Arrested for Journalism, PBC’s Electricity Restored

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In-Depth Interview: Activist Challenge Video Surveillance in Uber-Liberal Berkeley

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Tracy Rosenberg is a Bay Area activist who is leading a challenge to video surveillance in Berkeley, California Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Activist Challenge Video Surveillance in Uber-Liberal Berkeley

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PBC News & Comment: Let’s Compare Coverage of Barr’s Investigation of Russiagate

WashPost offers balanced coverage, while NY Times and Rachel Maddow inject bias based on their investment in Russiagate narrative…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Let’s Compare Coverage of Barr’s Investigation of Russiagate

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PBC News & Comment: GOP Stunts Disrupting Impeachment OK’d By Trump

At White House dinner, Trump complained to House Republicans, and approved their juvenile stunts to disrupt impeachment investigation interviews yesterday… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: GOP Stunts Disrupting Impeachment OK’d By Trump

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In-Depth Interview: Ted Howard Shares a Vision of Inner City Trickle-Up Economic Development

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Ted Howard and Gar Alperovitz founded the Democracy Collaborative, a progressive think tank with proven models of investment in working families, in their own communities. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Ted Howard Shares a Vision of Inner City Trickle-Up Economic Development

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Mark Schapiro Returns to Talk About Seeds and GMO’s

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In second of 2 audio/video interviews with investigative reporter Mark Schapiro, we focus on his coverage of GMO’s in his new book, Seeds of Resistance.Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Mark Schapiro Returns to Talk About Seeds and GMO’s