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In-Depth Interview: In Pennsylvania, March On Harrisburg Seeks to End Corruption and Gerrymandering

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Activists Adam Eichen, Rabbi Michael Pollack and Rachel Murphy invite you to join their barnstorming effort to restore democracy in Pennsylvania. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: In Pennsylvania, March On Harrisburg Seeks to End Corruption and Gerrymandering

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PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Moves Dreamers from Hostages to Limbo

Supreme Court decline’s Trump demand for immediate review of DACA suspension, easing hostage status of Dreamers, who remain in Limbo… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Moves Dreamers from Hostages to Limbo

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist/author David Cay Johnston Defines TrumpCo: ‘It’s Even Worse Than You Think’

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Pulitzer winner David Cay Johnston returns to talk about his new book, describing Trump’s army of termites bent on destroying agencies and regulation. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist/author David Cay Johnston Defines TrumpCo: ‘It’s Even Worse Than You Think’

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Aaron Maté Comments on Russiagate and Mueller Indictments

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Aaron Maté is doing excellent, skeptical reporting on Russiagate at The Nation, and in video reports on The Real News; he joins us to comment on the big picture and the recent indictments of 13 Russians by special counsel Mueller. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist Aaron Maté Comments on Russiagate and Mueller Indictments

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PBC News & Comment: Some Nuggets of Truth Buried in Hyped Russia Reports

Following Mueller indictments of Russian trolls, corporate media buries qualifiers in reports that exaggerate scope and impact of online “meddling”… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Some Nuggets of Truth Buried in Hyped Russia Reports

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Yasha Levine Shares the True History of the Internet

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Yasha Levine returns to this podcast to talk about his long-awaited book: Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet, and to comment on Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians, and other current topics. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Yasha Levine Shares the True History of the Internet