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In-Depth Interview: Norman Solomon Says Rachel Maddow is Channelling Glenn Beck in Her Blame-Russia Coverage

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In a recent program, Rachel Maddow used the reported purge of Russian spies to claim “proof” that Russia hacked the DNC and tipped the election to Trump.  Progressive Democratic activist Norman Solomon has a sharp critique. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Norman Solomon Says Rachel Maddow is Channelling Glenn Beck in Her Blame-Russia Coverage

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PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Court Nominee is Spawn of Reagan’s Anti-EPA Director of EPA

Judge Gorsuch, son of Reagan Wrecking Crew member is pro-corporate, anti-women’s rights “originalist” who’s even further right than Scalia…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Court Nominee is Spawn of Reagan’s Anti-EPA Director of EPA