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Oregon Progressive Senate Candidate Rick Staggenborg plus Will Durst on Rangel and Waters

Dr. Rick Staggenborg, progressive candidate for Oregon’s US Senate seat, takes on incumbent Ron Wyden, corporate personhood, much more; Will Durst talks about the ethics dramas of Rep. Charlie Rangel and Rep. Maxine Waters. Continue reading Oregon Progressive Senate Candidate Rick Staggenborg plus Will Durst on Rangel and Waters

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Prof. Andrew Bacevich on “Washington Rules”; Journalist John Gorenfeld on TIME’s Propaganda

Prof. Andrew Bacevich of Boston U. on his new book, Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War and John Gorenfeld reveals conflict of interest of TIME’s Kabul bureau chief. Continue reading Prof. Andrew Bacevich on “Washington Rules”; Journalist John Gorenfeld on TIME’s Propaganda

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Rev. Janie Spahr Faces Charges in Presbyterian Church Court

Rev. Janie Spahr is a lesbian minister who is facing charges in a church court for performing marriages of same sex couples. She joins us with her church lawyers, Beverly Brewster and Scott Clark. Continue reading Rev. Janie Spahr Faces Charges in Presbyterian Church Court

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Peter Laufer on “Forbidden Creatures”; Will Durst rants on Prop 8 Decision

Peter Laufer joins us to talk about his new book, Forbidden Creatures: Inside the World of Animal Smuggling and Exotic Pets. Comedian/satirist Will Durst waxes on the court decision overturning California’s ban on same sex marriage. Continue reading Peter Laufer on “Forbidden Creatures”; Will Durst rants on Prop 8 Decision

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Prop 8 is Ruled Unconstitutional; Chez Sludge San Francisco, the sequel

Federal judge overturns Prop. 8, gay leader David Fleischer reacts and details his analysis of why Prop. 8 passed in November 2008; John Stauber updates the San Francisco toxic sludge giveaway story. Continue reading Prop 8 is Ruled Unconstitutional; Chez Sludge San Francisco, the sequel

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US Atty. Counsel was Compromised; Satirist Will Durst Starts Weekly Rant

Andrew Kreig reports that special counsel Nora Dannehy was compromised by her own improper conduct; political satirist Will Durst launches a wacky-but-serious weekly commentary. Continue reading US Atty. Counsel was Compromised; Satirist Will Durst Starts Weekly Rant

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Bobby Egan’s BBQ Diplomacy; Chew reviews “The Kids Are All Right”

Robert Egan, co-author of Eating with the Enemy, citizen-diplomat opened dialogue with North Korea; and our official film reviewer Gary Chew on The Kids Are All Right.
Continue reading Bobby Egan’s BBQ Diplomacy; Chew reviews “The Kids Are All Right”

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Shahid Buttar: Fix Patriot Act; Dahr Jamail: Unembedded on the BP Gulf

Shahid Buttar speaks for 46 organizations calling for reform of the Patriot Act, just renewed with little debate. Journalist Dahr Jamail on the toxic and chaotic cleanup of the BP oil calamity. Continue reading Shahid Buttar: Fix Patriot Act; Dahr Jamail: Unembedded on the BP Gulf

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Robert Parry on WikiLeaks, AfPak War

Journalist Robert Parry of returns to comment on the 92,000 classified documents released by WikiLeaks. Parry says the doc dump confirms Bush’s failures in Afghanistan were caused by the rush to invade Iraq, and that Obama has compounded the errors by modeling the escalation in Afghanistan on the myth of the “surge” in Iraq. We also talk about Pakistan’s role in supporting the Taliban against the US, and call Pvt. Bradley Manning a hero for releasing the documents. Read Parry’s article referenced in the interview here.

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Rove Victim Speaks; D+ grade for Bankster “Reform”

Former Miss. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz hammers special counsel report: no criminal charges in Rove’s improper role in US Attorney firings. Justice Diaz was tried and acquitted twice in political trials, but political donor and co-defendant Paul Minor was convicted. Justice Diaz scopes out the national pattern of 200+ political prosecutions under Bush, and now represents Die Hard director John McTiernan, who produced a powerful video you can watch here. Bill Black was a bank regulator in the ’80’s and now teaches economics and law at Univ of Missouri-Kansas City. He gives the Dodd-Frank “financial reform” bill a D+, starting at about 58:30 in the show.