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PBC News & Comment: Exclusive!! Attorney Carl Mayer Files NDAA Appeal at Supreme Court

Carl Mayer, attorney who won ruling that NDAA detention clause is unconstitutional, files new appeal with US Supreme Court today… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Exclusive!! Attorney Carl Mayer Files NDAA Appeal at Supreme Court

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Afghan-American Tamim Ansary on his New Book, “Games Without Rules”



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For an Afghan’s views on the US war in Afghanistan, we talk with Tamim Ansary, author of Games Without Rules: The Often Interrupted History of AfghanistanContinue reading Afghan-American Tamim Ansary on his New Book, “Games Without Rules”

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PBC News & Comment: Michigan Tells Union Workers: “Take Your Job & Shove It”

Radical Republicans controlling Michigan’s legislature have rammed through anti-union “right to work” laws, domino effect is possible… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Michigan Tells Union Workers: “Take Your Job & Shove It”

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Journalist Steve Horn and Financial Analyst Deborah Rogers Expose the Shale Gas Bubble and Other Fracking News; Prof. Noha Radwan on Egypt and Morsi’s Future



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Steve Horn, the journalist who covers fracking, and financial analyst Deborah Rogers report on the shale gas bubble, which may soon burst or deflate;  UC Davis Professor Noha Radwan, an Egyptian who voted for President Morsi in the June election, offers her views on the crisis in Egypt.  Continue reading Journalist Steve Horn and Financial Analyst Deborah Rogers Expose the Shale Gas Bubble and Other Fracking News; Prof. Noha Radwan on Egypt and Morsi’s Future

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Yemen Expert, Gregory Johnsen of Princeton, Says US “Secret War” in Yemen is Backfiring, Opposes Brennan as Next CIA Director; Will Durst’s Top 10 of ’12



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Gregory Johnsen is a scholar at Princeton U, an expert on Yemen who’s actually been there.  In a new book and recent op-ed, he says US strikes in Yemen are causing support for al Qaeda to grow, and he opposes the appointment of John Brennan to CIA boss.  Continue reading Yemen Expert, Gregory Johnsen of Princeton, Says US “Secret War” in Yemen is Backfiring, Opposes Brennan as Next CIA Director; Will Durst’s Top 10 of ’12