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Journalist Kevin Gozstola’s Final Report on Court Martial of Bradley Manning–Judge Announces 35-year Sentence

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Reporter Kevin Gozstola files his final report on the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was handed a 35-year prison sentence today. Continue reading Journalist Kevin Gozstola’s Final Report on Court Martial of Bradley Manning–Judge Announces 35-year Sentence

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PBC News & Comment: Miranda’s Heathrow Detention Shows Airports are Lawless Zones

Journalism isn’t terrorism, but Greenwald’s partner was detained and interrogated about Snowden leaks under terrorism law–prompting transAtlantic outrage….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Miranda’s Heathrow Detention Shows Airports are Lawless Zones

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PBC News & Comment: White House Denies It Asked British to Detain Greenwald’s Partner

In carefully crafted non-denial, White House admits it got “heads up” that Brits could interrogate David Miranda; Greenwald is not intimidated…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: White House Denies It Asked British to Detain Greenwald’s Partner

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Boiling Frogs: Dr. Binoy Kampmark of Australia’s WikiLeaks Party Talks About Snowden, Manning, Assange and More

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In this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds, we meet Dr. Binoy Kampmark, who is running for Australia’s Senate on a slate with Julian Assange.  Continue reading Boiling Frogs: Dr. Binoy Kampmark of Australia’s WikiLeaks Party Talks About Snowden, Manning, Assange and More

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Boiling Frogs: Investigator Peter Lance Argues that al Qaeda Brought Down TWA Flight 800

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In this Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds, we talk with author and investigator Peter Lance about the co-exploitive relationship between the FBI and the mob–and how it led to his theory that the downing of TWA Flight 800 was an al Qaeda job. Continue reading Boiling Frogs: Investigator Peter Lance Argues that al Qaeda Brought Down TWA Flight 800

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Summer Break: Two Activist/Authors Named Beverly: Beverly Bell on Haiti and Food Sovereignty, Beverly Slapin Satirizes Racist Textbooks

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In a break from our usual fare, in-depth interviews with Beverly Bell of the Institute for Policy Studies on Haiti after the earthquake and the related topic of “food sovereignty”; Beverly Hope Slapin fights racism in American textbooks with satire. Continue reading Summer Break: Two Activist/Authors Named Beverly: Beverly Bell on Haiti and Food Sovereignty, Beverly Slapin Satirizes Racist Textbooks

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PBC News & Comment: It’s Another “Moral Monday” in North Carolina

Wake Forest Professor Stephen Boyd details NC’s radical right legislation to sharply limit voting, reproductive rights and growing activist response….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: It’s Another “Moral Monday” in North Carolina

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Dispatch from North Carolina: Wake Forest Prof. Stephen Boyd Reports on “Moral Mondays” Response to Radical Rollbacks of Voting Rights, Abortion Rights

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Prof. Stephen Boyd of Wake Forest University updates us on the radical legislation rammed through the North Carolina legislature, part of a coordinated effort that includes Texas, Ohio, Alabama, Wisconsin and other states.  While Democratic leaders are generally not responding, activists in North Carolina continue Moral Monday protests. Continue reading Dispatch from North Carolina: Wake Forest Prof. Stephen Boyd Reports on “Moral Mondays” Response to Radical Rollbacks of Voting Rights, Abortion Rights