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Middle East Expert Mohammed Ayoob Talks About Iraq, Gaza, and the Impacts of the Arab Spring

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Michigan State’s Prof. Mohammed Ayoob comments on Obama’s military action in Iraq, the renewed fighting in Gaza, and his new book, Will the Middle East Implode? Continue reading Middle East Expert Mohammed Ayoob Talks About Iraq, Gaza, and the Impacts of the Arab Spring

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PBC News & Comment: Revelations About Stingray Surveillance, Watch Lists and Our Creeping Police State

Investigative journalist Beau Hodai shares his research on “Stingray” cellphone surveillance, and the death of Doors’ Jim Morrison finally explained…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Revelations About Stingray Surveillance, Watch Lists and Our Creeping Police State

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Blockbuster Exclusive: Investigative Reporter Beau Hodai Reveals Much About “Stingray” Surveillance

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Investigative journalist Beau Hodai returns to share his detailed report on “Stingray” cell site simulators that scoop up call data on thousands of innocent Americans, and are used in ways that appear to violate the Constitution and deceive judges, prosecutors and defendants.   Continue reading Blockbuster Exclusive: Investigative Reporter Beau Hodai Reveals Much About “Stingray” Surveillance

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PBC News & Comment: Obama’s Inept, Insulting Rationalizations: “We Tortured Some Folks”

At Friday news conference, Obama admitted US “tortured some folks” as he praised the “patriot” folks who tortured those folks…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Obama’s Inept, Insulting Rationalizations: “We Tortured Some Folks”

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Prof. Juan Cole Analyzes Israel-Gaza War, and Talks About His Book, “The New Arabs”

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Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, respected Middle East commentator, goes in-depth on the Israeli war on Hamas, and talks about his fascinating new book, The New Arabs: How the Millenial Generation is Changing the Middle East. Continue reading Prof. Juan Cole Analyzes Israel-Gaza War, and Talks About His Book, “The New Arabs”