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Former State Dept. Officer Peter van Buren on Squandered Billion$ in Iraq; Jeff Frazee of Young Americans for Liberty on Rand Paul’s Filibuster



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Peter van Buren returns to talk about the Inspector General’s final report on reconstruction in Iraq, and how we’re repeating the same mistakes in Afghanistan; Jeff Frazee of Young Americans for Liberty talks about Rand Paul’s filibuster on the president’s authority to kill Americans.  Continue reading Former State Dept. Officer Peter van Buren on Squandered Billion$ in Iraq; Jeff Frazee of Young Americans for Liberty on Rand Paul’s Filibuster

Posted on Categories PBC

“The Gaza Doctor” Izzeldin Abuelaish Shares the Tragic Story of the 2009 Deaths of 3 Daughters and a Niece–and His Inspiring Message: “I Will Not Hate”



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A powerful, moving conversation with Palestinian Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, whose 3 daughters and a niece were killed by Israeli shells in 2009;  and Anna Rogers, a Jewish American peace activist. Continue reading “The Gaza Doctor” Izzeldin Abuelaish Shares the Tragic Story of the 2009 Deaths of 3 Daughters and a Niece–and His Inspiring Message: “I Will Not Hate”

Posted on Categories PBC

Jason Leopold Follows FOIA Requests of the Late Aaron Swartz; Craig Holman of Public Citizen Says Chevron Made Illegal Campaign Contribution



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Truthout’s Jason Leopold returns to talk about his recent report on the trail of FOIA requests left by Aaron Swartz before his suicide;  Craig Holman of Public Citizen is back, fighting Chevron’s illegal campaign contribution.  Continue reading Jason Leopold Follows FOIA Requests of the Late Aaron Swartz; Craig Holman of Public Citizen Says Chevron Made Illegal Campaign Contribution

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PBC News & Comment: Hugo Chavez–Strongman, or just a strong man?

Venezuela’s maximum leader, Hugo Chavez, dies of cancer at 58, leaving a legacy of challenging US dominance in this hemisphere…..Greg Palast offers a different view of Chavez in a free download of his documentary, The Assassination of Hugo Chavez

–in this excerpt from our in-depth interview about the death of Aaron Swartz, Jason Leopold of Truthout explores the unusual way that the MIT hacking case was taken over by the Secret Service

–in this excerpt from segment two of our in-depth interview podcast, Craig Holman of Public Citizen tells why Chevron broke the law when it gave $2.5 mil to a GOP superPAC

–Jon Stewart is taking a 12-week break to direct a movie, e-gads!

–dronemeister Brennan confirmation to CIA clears committee

–US denies responsibility for some drone attacks in Pakistan

–pilot landing at JFK reports drone or model airplane crossed his flight path

–TSA relaxes rules on small knives and golf clubs, to make flying more fun

–UN demands that Obama declassify records of Bush era human rights issues of detention and torture

–the nation of Chad says it killed rebel leader Belmokhtar

–Kerry wants to arm Syrian rebels, Obama has refused so far

–Swiss vote on measure to allow shareholders to limit executive pay


Posted on Categories PBC

Bill of Rights Defender Shahid Buttar Knocks Supreme Court for Wiretap Ruling, and Obama’s Kill Memo; Reporter Kevin Gosztola Details Dramatic Bradley Manning Statement



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Shahid Buttar of BORDC returns with informed criticism of the Supreme Court and the Obama administration, and praise for San Francisco’s resolution against NDAA;  Kevin Gosztola of FireDogLake is covering the Manning court martial and has many important observations. Continue reading Bill of Rights Defender Shahid Buttar Knocks Supreme Court for Wiretap Ruling, and Obama’s Kill Memo; Reporter Kevin Gosztola Details Dramatic Bradley Manning Statement