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PBC News & Comment: WTF?! NBC Tried to Hire Jon Stewart for “Meet the Press”

Jon Stewart has standards, NBC doesn’t–NBC brass tried to recruit Stewart to host Sunday political show; Stewart said “no”…… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: WTF?! NBC Tried to Hire Jon Stewart for “Meet the Press”

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PBC News & Comment: Government Leaders Dispense Far-fetched Conspiracy Theories, While Attacking “Conspiracy Theorists”

UK Prime Minister Cameron demonizes “conspiracy theorists”, linking them to terrorists in UN speech; we explore the tactic w/expert deHaven-Smith Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Government Leaders Dispense Far-fetched Conspiracy Theories, While Attacking “Conspiracy Theorists”

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Prof. Lance deHaven Smith Explains How “Conspiracy Theory” Label is Used to Stifle Investigations and Independent Thinking; Chew Reviews “Kill The Messenger”

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Professor Lance deHaven-Smith of Florida State University talks about his book, Conspiracy Theory in America, and how the negative implications of the label “conspiracy theorists” are used to shut down thinking and expression about obvious conspiracies involving governments and elites. Film reviewer Gary Chew returns to tell us about Jeremy Renner’s new movie, Kill The Messenger. Continue reading Prof. Lance deHaven Smith Explains How “Conspiracy Theory” Label is Used to Stifle Investigations and Independent Thinking; Chew Reviews “Kill The Messenger”

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PBC News & Comment: Governments Demand More Power to Spy in Britain, Australia and US

Capitalizing on unproven threats from Islamic State fighters, governments are demanding expanded spy powers and cyberwar powers in leading “democracies”… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Governments Demand More Power to Spy in Britain, Australia and US

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Former State Dept. Officer Peter van Buren on Obama’s War in Iraq, Syria

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“What’s the point?” asks Peter van Buren at the culmination of this discussion of the new perpetual war in Syria and Afghanistan. We talk about the “allies” of America that each have conflicting agendas, and failed efforts to establish client states in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Continue reading Former State Dept. Officer Peter van Buren on Obama’s War in Iraq, Syria

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Cornell’s Eli Friedman Adds Important Context to Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protests

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Eli Friedman is an assistant professor at Cornell University, focusing on international and comparative labor. He adds an important dimension–economic inequality–to the forces driving the growing protests led by students and Occupy Central. Continue reading Cornell’s Eli Friedman Adds Important Context to Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protests

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PBC News & Comment: Innocent Muslims Imprisoned, Then Freed in Britain and US

Former Guantanamo prisoner and activist Moazzem Begg released by Britain after 7 months; American Irfan Khan sues for malicious prosecution…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Innocent Muslims Imprisoned, Then Freed in Britain and US