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PBC News & Comment: Attacks in Ottawa, Jerusalem Draw Quick Tags of “Terrorism”

Before we have any real evidence, officials in Canada and Israel are branding recent attacks as “terrorism”; let’s wait-and-see…… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Attacks in Ottawa, Jerusalem Draw Quick Tags of “Terrorism”

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Outspoken Katha Pollitt Stands Up for Abortion Rights with Her New Book, “Pro”

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Columnist and author Katha Pollitt dropped by the secret studio for this in-depth interview about the renewed struggle over abortion rights and birth control. Continue reading Outspoken Katha Pollitt Stands Up for Abortion Rights with Her New Book, “Pro”

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PBC News & Comment: Super-Secret Stingray Surveillance System isn’t Secret in Charlotte Anymore

Charlotte’s Observer exposes use of Stingray cellphone dragnet system, not limited to terrorism cases as local officials thought….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Super-Secret Stingray Surveillance System isn’t Secret in Charlotte Anymore

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PBC News & Comment: In Pre-Dawn Action, Supreme Court Reinstates Texas Photo ID Law

With strong dissent from Justice Ginsberg, Supreme Court lifts injunction, restrictive Texas voter ID law is in effect this November… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: In Pre-Dawn Action, Supreme Court Reinstates Texas Photo ID Law

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PBC News & Comment: U2’s Bono Apologizes to iTunes Users, and Many Important Stories, Too!

Bono’s apology, plus exposure of possible corruption at top of NSA, Stingray deployed in Washington, DC–lots to report today….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: U2’s Bono Apologizes to iTunes Users, and Many Important Stories, Too!

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Activist and Author Sam Daley-Harris Offers Inspiration and Organizing Tips

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Sam Daley-Harris, author of Reclaiming Our Democracy returns to offer some inspiration and empowerment at a time when it’s sorely needed. Continue reading Activist and Author Sam Daley-Harris Offers Inspiration and Organizing Tips

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PBC News & Comment: Media Darling Malala Wins Nobel Peace Prize, But Not For Peace

While Malala did lobby President Obama to stop drone strikes in Pakistan, the Nobel committee honored her for promoting education for girls… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Media Darling Malala Wins Nobel Peace Prize, But Not For Peace