Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: 15 Days to Election, Trump’s Working Hard to Defeat Himself

Barnstorming from one mob rally to another, Trump breaks character to admit he’s likely to lose, might leave the country…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: 15 Days to Election, Trump’s Working Hard to Defeat Himself

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Terry Phillips Explains the New War Over Nagorno-Karabakh

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On September 27, Azerbaijan attacked Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.  Reporter Terry Phillips helps us understand the conflict. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist Terry Phillips Explains the New War Over Nagorno-Karabakh

Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Story of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Draws Criticism, Censorship

Murdoch tabloid NY Post says it got contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop from Rudy Giuliani, with incriminating videos and emails… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Story of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Draws Criticism, Censorship

Posted on Categories PBC

In-Depth Interview: Election Protector Brad Friedman Fears the Worst on November 3

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Brad Friedman of has been fighting for honest elections for 20 years, and shares his concerns about this year’s presidential election. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Election Protector Brad Friedman Fears the Worst on November 3

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In-Depth Interview: Shadowproof’s Kevin Gosztola Recaps Julian Assange Extradition Hearing

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Kevin Gosztola delivered excellent daily reporting on the British hearings regarding the US extradition request for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, and joins us today to recap the 20+ days of proceedings. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Shadowproof’s Kevin Gosztola Recaps Julian Assange Extradition Hearing